Ein reißender Fluss fließt durch eine üppig grüne Waldlandschaft, überquert von einer hölzernen Fußgängerbrücke, perfekt für einen Wanderurlaub in Tirol.


Along the wildwater.

Water is pure life! Constantly in motion, strong, formative and full of energy, it has always attracted people. Retracing the rapid creek in the Stubaital to its origins and to follow its path is particularly exciting.

At the WildeWasserWeg in the Stubaital with its unique alpine sites, this natural phenomenon can be experienced in a fantastic way on three stages. Starting from glacier fields in the sun, deep-blue mountain lakes, some smaller springs that eventually turn into roaring waterfalls, all the way to small clearings and moorlands – the WildeWasserWeg has all the different manifestations of the wet element on offer.

Zwei Wanderer mit Rucksäcken steigen im Wanderurlaub in Tirol einen sonnigen Waldpfad hinauf, in der Nähe eines rauschenden Wasserfalls.

At the WildeWasserWeg in the Stubaital with its unique alpine sites, this natural phenomenon can be experienced in a fantastic way on three stages.

Ein Pärchen steht auf einer Aussichtsplattform und sieht sich die Natur an.

Past mighty waterfalls and impressive sports there are 2 easy circulare routes along the WildWaterTrail...

Ein beeindruckender Wasserfall inmitten einer üppigen grünen Landschaft und hohen Bäumen, ideal für einen Wanderurlaub in Tirol.
WildeWasserWeg sites

One-day hikes of a different length and duration bring you to scenic and high energy spots besides of the WildeWasserWeg trail.

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New approach to the WWW

The new approach leads from Mutterberg (valley station Eisgratbahn) along the young Ruetz three kilometers (just under 1 hour) to Grawa Alm. The trail is wide and barrier-free.

Ein reißender Fluss fließt durch eine üppig grüne Waldlandschaft, überquert von einer hölzernen Fußgängerbrücke, perfekt für einen Wanderurlaub in Tirol.
Naturally healthy
Waterfalls are health-boosting

Staying at the waterfalls along WildeWasserWeg Trail is health-promoting. Waterfalls create atomized aerosol and predominantly negatively-charged ions in the area where the water hits the rocks. These micro particles are so small that they can deeply enter and cleanse the lungs. The upper respiratory tracts is expanded and diseases of the lungs can be prevented or healed, including common diseases like asthma, allergies, stress or burnout.

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