Zwei Urlauber sitzen auf einer Holzbank auf einem Berg bewundern das Bergpanorama, auf das einer der beiden zeigt.

Leisure and gourmet in the Stubai Valley

Consciously experiencing nature and the newly discovered love for exercise provide precious impressions.

If these unique experiences are combined with the numerous, traditional pleasures the Stubaital has to offer, your summer holidays will turn into a festival for the senses. The scent of alpine herbs and meadows before taking a rest will give you a foretaste of the menu that expects you at one of the many Stubai gourmet facilities.

Freshly baked farmer’s bread, savoury bacon and cheese, fiery liquors, steaming dumplings and delicious Kaiserschmarren – these are only some the Stubai delicacies to discovered on a leisurely gourmet hiking tour.

Eine Gruppe von Menschen sitzt an einem Holztisch vor einer rustikalen Berghütte.

If you do hiking, trekking or promenading, walking enjoys more and more popularity. Pleasure, sensual delights, complete satisfaction and an uplifting experience are in focus at walking in the Tyrolean Stubai. But finally local culinary delights are completing the pleasure.

Nahaufnahme einer traditionellen Tiroler Speckknödelsuppe, serviert in einer klaren Brühe und garniert mit frischen Schnittlauchringen.

The Stubaier leisure programme transports you into a world of delights. Both the Stubai leisure program and our fun events will provide you with endless enjoyment. The Stubaier Genuss-Voucher can be redeemed for Stubai food at any of the leisure sites. You can also take part in the exciting leisure program with the leisure voucher.

Bild einer Brettjause mit frischem Hartkäse, Räucherschinken und Gemüse.

n our globalised age we are of course no longer dependent only on the products of domestic agriculture. However, those who appreciate regional value-creation chains and their benefits still prefer to buy local farm products.